Platform or Process

Illustrator or CorelDraw? Windows or Mac? 3m or Avery? Print professionals and designers go nuts over their tools. I love CorelDraw and despise Illustrator or vice-versa.

Fall in love with your process not your tools. Remember a tool is just a tool; the magic happens when it is placed in the hands of a master.

-T. Trucks


What is the One Thing you could do today to make everything else easier or not necessary?

  1. Make a list
  2. Prioritize
  3. Choose
  4. Take Action
  5. Repeat

Simple. Powerful. Effective.

Press toward the mark.
-T. Trucks

How do you see?

Half-full, half-empty, or just a glass with water in it? Maybe better to ask, where did the glass come from and who poured the water?

  • Half-full runs off a cliff at full speed thinking everything is going to be great.
  • Half-empty hides in a cave, paralyzed by fear, missing countless opportunities.
  • Just a glass with water becomes cynical and apathetic.

Continue reading “How do you see?”

Would you give that to your mother?

I love processes and perfection. I believe that a well designed and well made product really touch people on a higher level; things like Google’s Gmail, Apple’s iPhone, Tesla’s Model S, the Golden Gate Bridge, 2-son’s Farm Tables, and Mrs. Deneve’s chocolate pound cake. On the surface all these things might look very dissimilar but there is a thread that runs through them all… EXCELLENCE!

Continue reading “Would you give that to your mother?”

Average 5

Ever had someone compliment you on your business or something you are passionately involved in? Yesterday, one of our customers handed me a compliment that really says it all. “Your unbelievable production speed and customer service actually makes me want to do the same for my customers.”  My head swelled and my chest puffed. I was almost ready to say thank you, then it hit me. I have not completed a single order nor talked to this particular customer on the phone in recent memory. My reply…”It’s not me; It’s the freakishly awesome people that work here.”

You are the people you run with. You can’t soar like an eagle if you hang with a bunch of turkeys. You know all the catch phrases. Bottom line, show me your five closest friends and I can predict with a high degree of accuracy your attitude, outlook, spirituality, relationships, and bank account. Choose your friends and work environment wisely!

I am blessed to work with some of the finest human beings on the planet.

-T. Trucks

Stack Gratitude

Ever heard the quote ‘Win the morning – Win the day’? I believe it is vital to have an excellent morning routine, but I also believe you don’t automatically get to chalk up a win for the day because you nailed your morning. I say, start out on the right foot and then walk in gratitude. Continue reading “Stack Gratitude”

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