A Path to Happy

Giving is the glue that holds our relationships together.
Giving is the glue that holds our homes together.
Giving is the glue that holds our communities together.
Giving is the glue that holds our country together.

Giving makes us happy. When we are happy we communicate better; we love deeper; we care more; we listen longer; we have more capacity and energy to build relationships. I believe the foundation of everything worth anything is in relationships.

When we give, our brain releases a neurotransmitter called serotonin that makes us feel good. The person receiving the gift also has a release of serotonin and they feel good. But the most peculiar thing research has shown is that observers also have a serotonin release and they feel good as well! I first heard this from my dear friend Pastor Mike while listening to an audio recording called The Science of Nice.

Connecting the dots of 1 Chronicles 29:9, great joy follows this path.

1. A Perfect Heart – Intention matters. Truly focus on someone else.

2. Willing Offer – Never give because you have to. Never give to get.

Bottom Line: If you find yourself in a mood or in a bad place emotionally. Sincerely do something kind for someone else. A willing offer with a perfect heart will put you on the road to great joy.

Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly, because with perfect heart they offered willingly to the Lord : and David the king also rejoiced with great joy.

1 Chronicles 29:9 KJV

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