
Have you ever planted a garden? 
I’m not talking about a tomato plant in a pot on your back porch. I’m talking about a couple of acres of pole beans, sweet corn, okra, squash, cantaloupe, and whatever else Granddad wanted to plant. If you haven’t, FYI it’s a lot more work than you think.

Step 1. Plowing and Planting
Our whole family is in attendance. We hook up the plow to the tractor and watch as our plot of land is turned into a sea of smooth, soft, rich brown earth. Next, we plant. Everyone is assigned a row and a sack of seeds. Grandma is instructing, drop this many, this deep, and this far apart. Finished! Everyone is excited.

Step 2. Growth and Tending
After several days and a shower or two, the dirt has settled and compacted, each plant has to struggle to break through a thin crust. It’s exciting to see the plants pop out of the small cracks in the dirt.

Guess what else pops out?  Grass and weeds. We knew they were coming, but nobody is happy to see them. After several more days… it’s time to pull the weeds. Sometimes we can use a hoe, but lots of times it’s just easier to pull by hand. Everyone is assigned a row. It’s hot, slow, and dirty. This goes on for weeks as the plants grow and mature. We have a constant battle with weeds and insects on our hands, but we keep tending the garden. Nobody is excited. 

Step 3. Harvest
Pulling, picking, and cutting goes on for several days or weeks. If the conditions are right and we had enough rain, the harvest is huge! From just a few seeds there will be enough food to feed our whole family for months. Success! Everyone is happy.

I haven’t planted a garden in years, but I use those 3 steps almost every day in my life.

Step 1. Plowing and Planting – I choose to surround myself with the right people, music, and information. I choose a plan and plant a seed. I am excited!

Step 2. Growth and Tending – Did I make the right choice? Is the pain worth it? I wonder if I should give up? All these are weeds. Can I see my dream cracking through the soil? Can I see my skills improving? Can I see progress? This is the daily grind of fighting fear and doubt. Sometimes it’s painful. Sometimes it’s lonely. It’s not exciting but it’s necessary.

Step 3. Harvest – Take the time to be grateful and enjoy the fruits. Don’t listen to the hate. I know what it took to get here. I’m still amazed at how many people think there is harvest without planting or tending.

The choice (planting) is easy.
The work (growth) is hard.
The reward (harvest) is worth it.

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