
What happens if we ignore directional signs?
What happens if we ignore informational signs?
What happens if we ignore warning signs?

I thank God for the First Amendment of the US Constitution! This simple statement affords me the right to peaceably gather with a group of like-minded individuals in support or opposition to anything.

I regularly examine the doctrines and the actions of the groups with which I am involved. Do they still stand for what I believe? Have they been hijacked for money or power? Is their direction still in line with mine? Will this make a better life for my children and grandchildren?

Movements don’t have a conscience and groups don’t self-evaluate. People do. It all boils down to personal accountability. Each of us will stand before God alone to receive the things done in the body.

Pay attention to the signs. 😉

And Aaron spake all the words which the Lord had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people.

Exodus 4:30 KJV

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