
In his book Winners Never Cheat, John Huntsman tells the story of how he negotiated a deal to sell a 40 percent stake in Huntsman Chemical for $54 million dollars. The negotiations ended with a handshake deal in place. While the lawyers took an excess of six months to complete the paperwork, the value increased to almost $250 million. When the buyer proposed to pay more, Huntsman said no. “We shook on the deal.”

This type of character is almost unheard of; but it shouldn’t be.
How much is your word worth?

Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

Proverbs 20:17 KJV


I think I was 29 years old when I met Billy. The self proclaimed “Bilster” was about my age and owned a construction company that just so happened to be headquartered out of the building next to mine. Billy was almost uncomfortably full of energy and one of the friendliest people I have ever met.

My experience has taught me that people are not always as they seem, so when he greeted me with a loud “How in the Heaven are you?”. My first thought was…not another one of these guys. I am blessed now to say, “The Bilster” didn’t just speak religion, he lived like a Christian. At a time in my life when I needed it most, God sent an unusual man to live an example and mentor me in the faith.

As I read Proverbs 19 this morning, one of Billy’s many one-liners came to mind. “You Can’t Outgive God!” Giving our time, talent, and resources to help those who are in need opens the door to the miraculous.

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord ; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

Proverbs 19:17 KJV


I’m right…and I know I am right!

Don’t be so convinced that you stop listening to those around you.

Like Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.

Job 32:1 KJV


Understanding correction is a superpower.

Understand correction is not personal.
Understand correction as a blessing.
Understand correction will keep you from mistakes.

A wise man embraces and understands correction.

A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.

Proverbs 17:10 KJV

High Road

The high road or the low road?

In the heat of an argument…
When someone does you wrong…
When everyone else is doing it…
When nobody is watching…

Take a deep breath and then…
Take the high road.

The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.

Proverbs 16:17 KJV

Slow Answer

Slow to answer and quick to act.
Most of the time we get this backward!

Why? Most likely ego and pride.

A quick answer can shut down ideas before they can be explored. Ego cannot have a seat at the table. Like Steve Jobs said, “The best ideas must win!”

The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.

Proverbs 15:28 KJV


You are the average of your five closest friends.
You become the people you hang out with.
Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future.
You can’t soar like an eagle, running with turkeys.
And the list goes on…

Why are there so many similar clichés and quotes? Because it’s TRUE! 

Look at the following list. Are there people in your life in the wrong category?

Inner Circle (Most Influence)
Friends / Family
Occasional Contact
Limited Exposure
Complete Separation (Least Influence)

It’s 100% your responsibility to tend your garden of influence. There might be hurt feelings when you limit your time with Negative Nancy and Paul The Prideful. You might even be “labeled” by some of your friends when you stop going out with them. It’s ok. Immediate discomfort, it’s far better than regret.

Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.

Proverbs 14:7 KJV

Eternal Things

Money can buy material things.
Money can buy distractions (disguised as happiness).

Money cannot buy passion.
Money cannot buy purpose.

I think you’ll find that your passion and purpose are connected to people.
Why? Because people are the only eternal things on this earth.

Use your wealth to amplify and don’t allow it to interfere.

There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.

Proverbs 13:7 KJV

Good Word

We all have a “good word” for someone today.

Prepare to share.
1. Have an excellent morning routine. Set your trajectory before you fire the engines.
2. Plan your day. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
3. If you find yourself in a funk, change your state. Physical movement like bouncing, screaming, forced laughter and walking will oxygenate your brain and release hormones that can get you back on track.

The person who is ready to share a good word is also the person who is capable of receiving one.

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.

Proverbs 12:25 KJV


Based on…
My family.
My childhood.
My education.
My experience.
My expertise.

Don’t limit yourself based on your frame of reference.
Empathy will open the door of understanding.

And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth.

Job 11:6 KJV

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